
I'm beginning to think warm spring weather is finally here. I keep thinking that, and then it gets cold and miserable again. The heat in our apartment was turned off promptly on April 1, and it has never really been warm inside since then. It's been nice to go to the office in the mornings and warm up in the heat from the students' computers! The locals say this has been the worst spring for decades. But today the temperature was over 70F, and the forecast is for temperatures rising to 80F by the end of the week. And the apartment, which is on the ground floor of a high rise and so takes time to adjust to the weather like an underground cave, is finally beginning to seem less chilly.
The flowers here seem to express their welcome for spring after a long, cold winter with great exuberance. The flowering fruit trees provide splashes of pinks and whites everywhere, and beds of poppies, bulbs, and other flowers in the parks are dazzling. For the past couple of days the Wisteria has been in profuse bloom. These pictures are of a plant over the entrance to the campus kindergarten.

Wisteria spray
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